
Due mainly to my love for those concise nuggets of human thought we call quotations, I am starting a site called quipsmart whose subject will be famous quotes and quotations. The challenge is to do something different than the fifteen or so main quotation compiling websites. Initially, I will focus on tracking down an exhaustive and comprehensive selection of quotations by a few select individuals and build out from there. I may need some volunteers if anyone is interested in helping. My other goal is to provide definitive sources for each quotations, which is something I have always appreciated when searching for a specific quotation. Other ideas include: the automatic linking of words to quotation authors and subjects, and hard to find quotations.


  1. “Good clothes open all doors”

  2. “Never run in platforms”

  3. There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.

    Nelson Mandela

  4. You’re not anonymous. I know who you are, sv.