Starting something new

So, I got that job I interviewed for on Tuesday, and I’m starting this morning in about 15 minutes. I think I’m getting what I asked for as well since the owner didn’t counter-offer over the phone, but we’ll see. I’m excited, tired, and a little nervous, but that is to be expected. Right now I’m writing this from Progress Coffee, which is nearby. I feel very hot either from nervousness or because it’s the beginning of summer. I can’t tell which.


  1. It’s really really muggy today, so it is not just stress that is making you hot. So don’t let it psych you out!

    Good luck, cutie! I hope everything goes great.

  2. Yeah, good luck “cutie” and congrats on the new jobby-job. :P
    No worries man. You’ll do just fine, your quality of work speaks for itself. It always does!