US Biological Attacks Against Cuba?

Castro recently implied that the US may be responsible for biological attacks against Cuba by spreading dengue and other viruses and diseases. The US says that Castro is just being paranoid and flatly denies spreading disease, but I think they have scant credibility. The US has admitted to past attempts to assassinate Castro and to overthrow the government of Cuba by all means. Why is this so far fetched? The US is not above destroying civilian infrastructure and killing innocent people as long as it gets them closer to their goal. The past has proven that the US has little regard for human life unless the public starts to make a stink. When the public is behind them they are capable of annihilating entire cities. The United States is the only country to have ever used nuclear weapons against civilians. In Vietnam they dropped napalm and agent orange on innocent people and there is some evidence that they may have even used nerve agents against the Vietnamese. More recently, the US has stockpiled supplies of anthrax and other biological agents while funding research into an anthrax vaccine. Why are they making anthrax and developing vaccines against it at the same time? I have no faith in anything that our government says any longer. It is troubling when you find someone like Fidel Castro more credible than your own government.

One comment

  1. It is very brave of you chris to stay here where you believe the credibility factor is so low as compared to that of Mr. Castro. As far as the nuclear strike against Japan….It was proported that we would have lost nearly one million men making a land invasion into that country. What say you to that?
    Has the United States ever participated in any military action that you in any way agree with? How about you personally? Do you believe in the concept of self defense?
    Would you if your life were in danger take anothers to prevent yours from being taken?

    Just one more here. Let’s say you were the only one left in the presence of a child….if killing were “the only way” to stop an attacker from murdering that child be capable of doing so?
