- I just counted the number of RSS feeds I have in my Sage sidebar for Firefox and it’s nearing seventy. Yikes. That’s seventy websites I refresh every five to ten minutes in OCD fashion.
- I got my bonus today. Time to take care of a few things that have fallen by the way side. That reminds me, taxes suck. My priority for 2005 is to keep track of all my receipts, mileage, and expenses so I can itemize my deductions for my next return. I ended up costing myself some money this year due to not keeping track of all the things I am legally allowed to deduct from my taxes. Alan Greenspan recently advocated a consumption tax as opposed to an income tax, which makes sense to me, although it creates a disincentive to consumer spending which currently accounts for seventy percent of our gross national product. Can taxes function as anything other than a disincentive? I think it’s more likely to be a consumption disincentive than an income disincentive. Income tax is a lot less visible, whereas if you had to pay a federal sales tax it would be something that touched you every day in a palpable way.
- There was an interesting thread on the WoW Warlock discussion forum asking: “What is your job?” IRL (In Real Life), as opposed to in World of Warcraft, of course. Not suprisingly, most of the people were employed in some fashion in high-tech. It might be interesting to see if certain personalities are drawn more to certain player classes (warlock, priest, rogue, etc.) I like warlocks because of the demonic aspect, you know, deriving your magical abilities by flirting with damning, infernal powers. From a game aspect, it’s a very flexible class that takes a lot of micromanagement as far as your spells and abilities, but if you spend time playing and working on different strategies it is very powerful. In PvP situations I often win unless the opponent is very strong defensively like a Druid or Paladin.
This entry was posted on Friday, March 11th, 2005 at 5:10 pm and is filed under General.
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