Bush wants military relations with China

Orwellian translation: EASTASIA and OCEANIA declare alliance.

Bush wants the US to be buddy buddy with the totalitarian, repressive government of China. They have a lot in common, but the real reason is that the US is concerned. Concerned that China’s entrance into global military affairs could threaten American military hegemony and the American arms racket. They are hoping to at least be a part some aspects of the decision-making process hence the movement towards joint US/China military exercises. The US can’t go all hardline since American Business needs the cheap prison labor the Chinese can provide. Those sweatpants at Walmart aren’t going to make themselves you know! Not too mention any conflict between the US and China would be catastrophic to say the least. China still has the largest standing army in the world.

The threat is China becoming a regional power and enlarging its sphere of influence. It is in a unique position with relation to the rest of the world. Close to the petroleum wealth of the Mideast and Central Asia. Next door to the bustling ‘Asian Tiger’ economies of the Far East and the natural wealth of Russia. China has reiterated its intentions of retaking Taiwan and has moved military units into islands in the south which have been claimed by multiple countries. It has also engaged in ‘war games’ with the Russians. The new China is feeling its oats. It recently showed off its military in an event planned for the benefit of foreign media! It has even stepped into the US’s backyard by forming military ties with some South American countries like Suriname. It’ll be interesting so see what happens.


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