Congratulations, Gabe!

My good friend and ex-Fedex compadre, Gabe dropped a bombshell on me this weekend quite subtly over email. See for yourself:

Hey Chris. just wanted to let you know that you if you ever feel like taking a vacation to Galveston, you are always welcome to stay at our place. My wife and I have a two bedroom, 2 bath apt..Might be buying a house soon. Yeah, that’s right, married. …

I always enjoyed the time we spent riding to work together, eating our Taco Bell before work and making each other laugh. From all the time we spent together it was obvious that Gabe was a very sincere and heartfelt person. But, like some sort of wandering romantic, he always seemed to be looking for that perfect female muse to keep him inspired. He is a rare person and a rare friend indeed. It makes me very happy to see that he finally found his lightning bolt. I wish them both the best of luck.

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