
Washinton Post: Microsoft Threatens Code Sharers With Lawsuits:

“The people you don’t want to have access to that source code are not going to get it on Kazaa,” said Eric Garland, chief executive of Big Champagne, an Atlanta-based company that tracks file-sharing network activity. “Newsgroups IRC, semi-professional closed networks — they communicate among themselves in ways that a threatening letter to the ISPs will never begin to address.”

Garland said that according to Big Champagne’s analysis, there are approximately 50,000 people sharing the source code. Microsoft said people searching file-sharing networks for the source code will pop-up messages warning that downloading the code is illegal. Microsoft’s Pilla declined to discuss the technology behind those messages.

Did they release an update dealing with this? Hmmmm….. Oh, by the way, if you need a login for most news sites go here,

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