Effective mood-altering substances

Sometimes I wonder if emotion is a dangerous thing. Like, does emotional sensitivity make you more fragile? By emotional sensitivity I don’t mean being thoughtful or considerate or anything positive like that. I mean it in the sense of easily affected. If you are susceptible to being easily affected emotionally does that cause everything to get all mixed up. I’ve noticed that when serious things, personal things, happen I can freeze up inside yet when meaninglessly sentimental things happen I can be greatly affected.

It makes me think a lot about the ways in which people try to modulate and manage their moods and emotions. I try to endure sadness because I am sure it will always be there in some fashion from time to time, and I hope to understand what causes it. I do things like read, nap, and listen to music if I’m feeling down. Sometimes I’ll eat something sweet. Other people find that exercising helps or drugs or Prozac or sex or alcohol or you name it. The common aspect seems to be the desire to create a more enjoyable sensation to overwhelm the unpleasant sensations or a desire to avoid or dampen the unpleasant sensation itself. Some people prefer getting all the way down into it, although this seems rather dangerous to me.

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