In bringing a new tone

In bringing a new tone to Washington, Bush Jr. selects Iran-Contra zealots to head key posts in American foreign policy. Yeah, we really need more veterans of the Reagan era. According to this article the two cold-warriors are quite unsavory. John Negroponte, once U.S. Ambassador to Honduras, “abetted and covered up human rights crimes” and Otto Reich, as head of the Office of Public Diplomacy, “funnelled pro-contra op-ed pieces to The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post without revealing its role in the writing of these pieces.” He also “engaged in prohibited, covert propaganda activities” under the direction of Reagan and his military junta. In light of the cooling of relations between the U.S. and North Korea and Russia, there seems to be little if any hope that Bush will change anything for the better.

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