
A great article by RAW: Religion for the Hell of it! by Robert Anton Wilson.

Join me in becoming an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. The Universal Life Church ( will ordain
anyone to the ministry for free, for life and with no regard to race,
gender, sexual orientation, nationality or theological position. And
they’ll do it online. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Christian, Satanist, Kabbalist,
Wiccan, atheist, or a creator of your own “homemade” religion. The ULC,
from its international headquarters in Modesto, Calif., and its
monastery in Tucson, Ariz., welcomes all.

The ULC actually pre-dates the cyber-era. This unique denomination was
established in 1962 by Kirby J. Hensley, an illiterate former Baptist
from North Carolina. Fed up with the hypocrisy and dogmatism of the
mainstream churches, Hensley began ordaining anybody — without
question — for free. Full page articles about him in Time (21 Feb.
1969) and Newsweek (5 May 1969) added to his status as the Robin Hood
of American religion.

As an ordained minister, I can legally perform marriage ceremonies in all 50 states. Any takers?

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