
As I just stated yesterday, the website is back up. Apologies to Kelly and Susan whose blogs were likewise marooned as a result. There was some sort of problem with the dns so says my friend and webhost Mike, who is currently not charging me to use his server. I’ve been toying with the idea of essentially renting my own dedicated server, and I think I’ve found a good deal at managed.com. Believe me, I engaged in thorough research. I’ve settled on the 2.4 Ghz Celeron server with 80 GB of hard drive space and 1200 GB transfer per month on a 100 Mbps connection. I considered unmetered bandwidth, but those plans were usually hosted on 5-10 Mbps connections which means that if you happened to receive a lot of traffic at once you might max out your connection. This is unlikely in my case, but you never know.

Anyway, even with the free hosting, I prefer to be in control of my stuff, so I’m looking forward to relocating the site. The plan is to attract enough people to host with me and get enough clients to where the server pays for itself. The good part is, I may have a good deal for many of my friends out here who need webspace or dns, etc.

Over the next few days I will be moving things, as I figure out how to run everything myself. I’ve always had webhosting for the site, but I’ve never been responsible for running the entire server and setting up all the different variables myself. They have administration software that makes it easier, but I will try to figure out how to do most of it by hand.

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