More Moussaoui….

You have to admire this guy’s ability to challenge the system when all conceivable odds are against him. Color me impressed. From the Post:

    Moussaoui says that because Brinkema and his court-appointed standby lawyers won’t let him pursue his theory in court, he must take it to the public. “I have relevant information and proof relating to conduct of the FBI regarding the Sept. 11,” Moussaoui wrote Monday in seeking permission to appear before Congress. In a separate motion to speak to a grand jury, Moussaoui agrees “to be chain, handcuff, leg cuff, stun belt, 20 or so marshals, as long as I can say what I know about Sept. 11 attack.” …

    In another motion, Moussaoui said he wants to tell the story to the American news media, if they are willing to pay, but he doubts they want to hear it. “America you are bankrupt,” Moussaoui writes. “Long have passed the time of Deep Throat. Now it is deep bribe.”

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