Iraq Shows Facilities Cited by Powell: Missiles Within U.N.’s Limits, Officials Assert:
Nothing at the facility, Iraqi officials asserted as they showed reporters around, constitutes a violation of U.N.-imposed weapons restrictions.
CNN: French police seize mobile phone guns: The deadly phones come apart in the middle to reveal a four-chamber compartment for .22 caliber bullets, which can be shot out of a protruding fake antenna.
Bush Administration attempting to shift tax burden to poor Listen to this crap: Instead, the report says, such “distributional analyses” should consider that a poor person one year could be middle-class or even rich in subsequent years, and a rich person could drop down the income ladder. Given that fluidity, it would be folly to make social and tax policies to address the body of poor people at any particular point in time, it says.
Bomb kills 20 in meeting place for Colombian elite
Draconian Patriot Act II in the Works
CIA officer killed in Afghanistan
200 high school students skip to protest possible Iraq war
New detainees held at Guantanamo Bay: More torture at camp x-ray
Moving Work Offshore Not Just For Blue-Collar Workers Anymore
Justice Dept. Drafts Sweeping Expansion of Anti-Terrorism Act: Center Publishes Secret Draft of ‘Patriot II’ Legislation
This entry was posted on Saturday, February 8th, 2003 at 9:30 am and is filed under Politics.
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