On the beginning of the ‘Cold War’

I’ve been reading Studs Terkel’s “The Good War”. It has a wealth of anecdotes and information from people who lived through World War 2. Here’s a tiny piece from John Houseman who worked for the Office of War Information (OWI) which was the United States’ propaganda apparatus during the war. I just found it interesting and wanted to test the OCR on my scanner:

    I remember a naval officer sitting in my office for six hours, waiting for the word before we could put this on the air. I remember him saying � as clearly as if it were yesterday � “This is a beginning. This is only a skirmish. You know where the real war is, don’t you? It’s against the Russians.” This was in 1942. These were our allies who were being killed by the millions. Already there were elements thinking about the next war, the war against the Russians.

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