Poor impulse control plus alcohol equals trouble

After seeing Mister Sinus Theatre (Red Dawn) at the Alamo Drafthouse on friday, Phillip, Courtney, Sab, Erik, Jody, Phillip’s brother, and I went out for some impromptu carousing. I’m not a big drinker and rarely imbibe, but I made up for the whole rest of the year that night. The debit card transactions are just now starting to roll in, telling a tale of drunken marauding that spanned (apparently) much of downtown Austin. I swear my card was overcharged at least once, but I’ll be damned if I know where those receipts are, and my memory of the night is spotty at best. I’m here to tell you that it will never happen again. If I never get drunk again it will be too soon. Sure, the alcoholic buildup was pleasurable and novel in its own way, but I was sentenced to an aftermath worthy of Greek tragedy replete with disgraceful episodes of sickness and foolishness. I was still inebriated when I woke up the next morning wondering what the hell had happened and hoping to God I had not said all the things I thought I remembered saying.

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