Right on

A message from WhatReallyHappened.com:

    10/10/02 House OKs Iraq resolution. That proves it. The US Government no longer represents the will of the people. We live in a dictatorship. What will you do about it? Will you stand silent as the Germans of 1933 while your nation is stolen from you and your children marched off to die in a World War? History will judge the American people by whether we allow this war of conquest for oil to proceed or not. This is the wake-up cal to America. The rule of law is dead. The President and the US Congress have gone rogue and threaten the peace and safety of the entire world. Despite 100 to 1 opposition to the war by their Constituents, the Congress has rubber-stamped Bush’s war, the worst of all kids of war, a war for profit and greed.

    Please forward the roll call vote for publication for this coming November’s elections. UNLESS WE VOTE THESE SCUM OUT OF OFFICE, THEY WILL FEEL THEY CAN DO AS THEY WILL WITH YOUR MONEY AND YOUR CHILDREN. Those who voted for war will get a permanent place at this website for voters to study. until the election.

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