Some scary information the ADL (The Anti-Defamation League)

Fact Sheet on the ADL:

    The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) gave an award Nov. 18, 1998 to the city of Coeur d’Alene. City Fathers assume this is something to be proud of and have unthinkingly rolled out the red carpet for the ADL.

    They think that an imprimatur from the ADL, a prominent Jewish group with a multi-million dollar budget and substantial media clout, is a kind of certification of our area’s goodness. But in point of fact, hosting the ADL and its regional Seattle director at the Coeur d’Alene Resort is a shameful blot on the region.

    The ADL is a branch of the masonic B’nai B’rith (Sons of the Covenant), which was established Oct. 13, 1843.

    Up until recently, for decades the chief “fact-finder” (head spy) for the ADL was the late Irwin Suall. From 1957 through 1962, Mr. Suall was national secretary of the Socialist Party. (1)

    The ADL keeps extensive espionage files on those who are critical of Israeli policies. Last year the ADL attempted to blackmail Benjamin Chavis, leader of the NAACP, with some of those files. (2)

    The ADL spies on American dissidents on behalf of the Israeli government. Automobile license plate numbers of people attending a meeting of the Committee on the Middle East were recorded by ADL agent Roy Bullock, channeled through San Francisco police officer Tom Gerard, also an ADL operative, and furnished to the Israeli government. (3) …


  • Anti-Defamation League They sure seem to practice their own brand of defamation on their site. Hypocrites.
  • ADL Watch
  • The ADL: Smear Mongers
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