The Hit-squad

Look, even the government likes to check out our site to get the scoop. I got a hit from the Department of Justice, (19 November 17:11 US Dept of Justice, Rockville, United States ). I have had some hits from the military before for some stuff I posted about some people involved in the Iran-Contra scandal, but never from the ironically named Department of Justice. If I turn up missing you know where to look (scared laugh). That reminds me, if you ever get hassled by ‘the man’ for opposing an unjust war or some crazy government policy you have to know your rights. At the ACLU they have some brochures in arabic, spanish, and english about what your rights are when your are approached by the police or the secret police, the FBI.

Some good links from

Are Americans getting the full picture of the war? Hell no! Not unless they work at it. You have to give our government credit for one thing, America is number one for propaganda! Doesn’t that make your chest swell with pride? If you’ve seen Manufacturing Consent it can be explained like this: totalitarian regimes maintain control through force, so-called democracies like our own maintain control through the skillful manipulation of information which is called propaganda. People don’t have a clue about the barriers to freedom unless they are able to hear about them somehow. The media is complicit and helps to maintain control. If someone has an inkling that something is not right and this feeling is not at all represented in the media they will feel like they must be mistaken. The result is that society is atomized and people are isolated from one another and afraid to speak out.

Creating panic through planted disinformation.

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