The new comfort women

And why are we occupying South Korea? Be very proud of your service people.

Massive Prostitution Network Services US GIs In Korea:

    GENEVA – In an effort to keep US soldiers happy, more than 5,000 women, mostly from the Philippines and Russia, are used as “comfort women” in a prostitution network in South Korea, a United Nations agency reported on Tuesday.

    “The plight of trafficked women in South Korea is quite serious,” said the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in a study released on Tuesday at its headquarters in Geneva.

    The first concerns about the trafficking of women emerged in South Korea in the mid-1990s, when reports began to circulate that there were many foreign women, particularly from the Philippines, working in the bars near the US military bases. The reports called to mind Japan’s use of “comfort women”, mostly Koreans, for its soldiers’ entertainment from 1910-45.

    The bars located near the US military bases are the leading employers of Filipinas, whom the traffickers apparently prefer for their English-speaking skills, and who are admitted into South Korea with E-6 visas, also known as entertainment visas.

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