The Right to Our Own Life

It is fun to think about life as it will be 500 years from now. While impossible to speculate with certainty in any direction, it helps lend this perspective to everything: much of what seems important now is nothing.

We are allotted a century, at most, to make of our lives what we will. One hundred brief years in the face of a limitless eternity. This is not a morbid thought, but it is a stark one. The recognition of life’s brevity can restore your sense of what matters. If everything is temporary: your loves, your friendships, your family, your work, humanity itself; how should that influence the way you conduct your life? The answer is that we must try to live well. Scarcity creates value. Life is a precious thing. Therefore, life must be valued and appreciated. In attempting to assign the proper value through our conduct, we earn the right to our own life.

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