- Ashcroft Unveils DNA Proposal: Which political donors are gonna get the fat contracts for this jobby job?
- Drug habits die hard: Cocaine and amphetamine drug users struggle with the residual effects of their drug habits for up to a year after going cold turkey – much longer than previously reported.
- Cool art, via Metafilter
- ‘Superbomb’ Video Will Be Sent to Scare Iraq: I’m upset. You mean we’re not using nucular bombs to shed innocent blood anymore?
- US Secretly Urged Israelis to Walk Out of Peace Talks
- Movie Men Add Special Effects to Media War
- Bush apologizes to Afghan leader Karzai: Interesting timing considering Afghanistan’s puppet president has been talking to Russian officials and diplomats. If Afghanistan’s government came out against the Iraq war it would be a huge black eye for the American war establishment.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 11th, 2003 at 3:14 pm and is filed under Politics.
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