Things can only get better

  1. Ashcroft Unveils DNA Proposal: Which political donors are gonna get the fat contracts for this jobby job?
  2. Drug habits die hard: Cocaine and amphetamine drug users struggle with the residual effects of their drug habits for up to a year after going cold turkey – much longer than previously reported.
  3. Cool art, via Metafilter
  4. ‘Superbomb’ Video Will Be Sent to Scare Iraq: I’m upset. You mean we’re not using nucular bombs to shed innocent blood anymore?
  5. US Secretly Urged Israelis to Walk Out of Peace Talks
  6. Movie Men Add Special Effects to Media War
  7. Bush apologizes to Afghan leader Karzai: Interesting timing considering Afghanistan’s puppet president has been talking to Russian officials and diplomats. If Afghanistan’s government came out against the Iraq war it would be a huge black eye for the American war establishment.

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