You are what you think

My good friend Hollis Baker of Liberty Hill continues to post some great stories to his blog:

Some time later his widow called and asked me to stop by. She gave me a letter Mr. Smith and written to me. He wrote; Dear Hollis, The key to success is, you become what you think about. Now don’t think this statement is just a simple answer to a complex problem. Men put little value upon free things. Your body, your mind, your love are all given free and we take them for granted. You rarely give these things a thought. Most men place great value upon things that cost money. Cars, houses, land, business. In fact most think about these things all the time. But the free things once lost can never be regained. Money is cheap and easy to obtain. We can replace things gained with money. Just remember, Have a personal worth while goal, Think about it daily and with this key you will gain any thing you desire. Respectfully, J. W. Smith.

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