You Belong to a Terrorist Organization

Increasingly, any activity not sanctioned by our benificent masters has been linked to and equated with terrorism. Use drugs, you’re helping terrorists make money. Ergo, you are a terrorist. Violate intellectual property, you help pirates make money. Pirates are criminals, terrorists are criminals thus pirates are terrorists. Ergo, you are a terrorist. See, it’s a easy. However, it only works against the weaker party. You can’t say for example that the United States is engaged in terrorism even though engaging in terrorism is standard operating procedure for our government. I remember when the US first started bombing Serbia. They bragged about having levelled power plants, bridges, and hospitals. Essentially, the US bombing campaign was a terrorist act. The US has admitted that they only destroyed a handful of tanks and artillery. In the end more hospitals were destroyed than tanks. I’m sure those hospitals were busy making WMD (the lingo for weapons of mass destruction) and sheltering terrorists or we wouldn’t have bombed them, right?

Terrorism is a question of power. Since US power is globally heremonic any force seeking to counter the US is terrorist. Because what really is terrorism? During the Revolutionary War we used guerrilla tactics against the British and Americans loyal to the British. Today, this would be called terrorism. At the time, the British tried to play the same name game because the guerrilla tactics of the American Revolutionaries were effective. If Al Quaeda has murdered thousands of innocent people the United States has undoubtedly done the same with just as much hypocrisy and self-righteousness. The US government and Al Quaeda actually have a lot in common. Both are run by insane religious fundamentalists. Both do business with the Carlyle Group, and both have proven a deep disregard for human life and a hatred of freedom and tolerance. The biggest difference between the two is that the US has been engaged in terrorism for over 50 years whereas Al Quaeda seems to be on a more short-term trajectory.

  • Testimony from U.S. Under
    Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs
    Alan Larson at Senate Foreign Relations Committee February 12, 2002:

      With growing evidence of links between intellectual property crime,
      organized crime and funding for terrorist activities, embassy country
      teams are seeking to foster closer ties between U.S. Government
      agencies and the foreign counterparts who work these enforcement
  • Will the real bad guy please stand up?
      He showed the three robed judges, and the prosecutors who spent two days depicting Milosevic as the architect of the Balkans horror, dozens of gruesome pictures of heads without bodies, severed limbs crusted in blood, and the remnants of fingers poking from a pile of rubble.

      Milosevic said they were ethnic Albanian civilians from Kosovo as well as Yugoslav civilians slain by NATO bombs during the alliance’s 78-day air war, which he called “the greatest aggression in the world after World War II.”

      He said they were killed not because they were fleeing the Serb forces he allegedly commanded to wipe out the Albanian population of Kosovo, but because they were racing to get away either from NATO air strikes or marauding Kosovo guerrillas rising up against the Yugoslav state.

  • Return of the ‘military-industrial complex’?
      We arm the world to make it safer. Basically, your taxes are given to huge corporations in exchange for over-priced weaponry which is sold/given to other countries meanwhile we buy the dangerous, crappy weaponry no one wants to bailout these same huge corporations. Some of the ridiculously expensive, pointless weaponry you paid for includes the crash-prone Osprey, the useless B-1 bomber, the crash-prone Comanche helicopter, the rendundant F-22 Raptor, and the idiotic Crusader self-propelled artillery system.

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