Duet Hosting: New Website Design

In 2002 or so, I started a web hosting company, mainly to serve my web design clients and friends and to allow me to start as many websites as I wanted for minimal added cost. I’ve hated the old design for a while now, but haven’t had time to update it. I was messing around last weekend and designed a new website and built it out in a few hours. It was a lot of fun and a relief, in a way.

Some things I’ve done differently versus what I did 3-4 years ago:

  • Full CSS/XHTML design
  • Scalable design using php includes so I don’t have to change five different pages just to change the footer text
  • More spacing. White space is good.
  • Randomized testimonials using php
  • Google Analytics to go with the rest of my sites, so I can view my site stats all in one place.
  • Reskinned the billing login interface, suspended pages template, and new account skeleton pages to match the rest of the site.


I’d like to get some feedback from you. I’ve already received a few good suggestions about the usability of the site, which were really helpful, so look out for those issues especially. When you’re building anything you’re often too close to the project to be objective, so feedback would help fix any glaring problems.

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