The Promoter?

Today I was reading this article on the Myers-Briggs test and how it’s used by businesses so I decided to take the test again. Now normally I test as an ENFP (The Advocate/Champion/Inspirer, etc.) usually borderline extraverted and intuitive but moderately feeling and perceiving. This time, to my surprise I tested as a Promoter/Doer/Adventurer (ESTP values: E – 1, S – 1, T – 22, P – 33). This means I’m showing as slightly extraverted, slightly sensing, moderately thinking, and moderately perceiving. While I don’t think that “type” fits me very well, none of the other ones really fit me very well either. The fact that I’m less of an “Idealist” seems obvious to me, especially in light of my increased yet mostly cheerful cynicism. Coming out as an ESTP is surprising but some things about are strikingly similar to how I feel. For example:

    ESTPs have an uncanny ability to perceive people’s attitudes and motivations. They pick up on little cues which go completely unnoticed by most other types, such as facial expressions and stance. They’re typically a couple of steps ahead of the person they’re interacting with. ESTPs use this ability to get what they want out of a situation. Rules and laws are seen as guidelines for behavior, rather than mandates. If the ESTP has decided that something needs to be done, then their “do it and get on with it” attitude takes precendence over the rules. However, the ESTP tends to have their own strong belief in what’s right and what’s wrong, and will doggedly stick to their principles. The Rules of the Establishment may hold little value to the ESTP, but their own integrity mandates that they will not under any circumstances do something which they feel to be wrong.

    ESTPs have a strong flair for drama and style. They’re fast-moving, fast-talking people who have an appreciation for the finer things in life. They may be gamblers or spendthrifts. They’re usually very good at story telling and improvising. They typically makes things up as they go along, rather than following a plan. They love to have fun, and are fun people to be around. They can sometimes be hurtful to others without being aware of it, as they generally do not know and may not care about the effect their words have on others. It’s not that they don’t care about people, it’s that their decision-making process does not involve taking people’s feelings into account. They make decisions based on facts and logic.

And this, from this site:

    As teenagers, ESTPs continue to be action oriented. They are likely to be on sports teams or involved in other after-school activities. If they have a part-time job, they use the money to purchase or save for the things they want, such as sporting equipment, clothes, stereos, cars, and college education.

    As young adults, ESTPs tend to fall into their careers. If they are mechanically oriented, they may find a career in mechanics; if their friends are going to college, they are likely to go to college; If their friends are joining and armed forces, the ESTP may go along as well.

    ESTPs look forward to their independence and are likely to leave home as soon as they can afford to. Being pragmatic types, however, they may find that home, if less restrictions can be negotiated, is a practical and good place to be, because it is cheaper and allows them more money for other important things.

    In adult life, ESTPs often focus on work, where they can directly or vicariously experience high risk and high reward. These risks may be physical, intellectual, personal, or financial. They are likely to look for loopholes, special niches, or other unusual opportunities for finding high rewards for the investment of their time. They are willing to play by the rules but only the point of using the rules to help them be or do what they want. They often fill their lives with many activities besides work. They are busy primarily with their families and with friends when they have time.

For those of you who might know me, decide for yourselves.


  1. Sorry, you lost me with all those… words. What did you say your sign was again?

  2. I’m an Aries, you c*ck gobbler.