Afghan prisoners beaten to death

  • Afghan prisoners beaten to death at US military interrogation base: I guess we only care how POW’s are treated if they’re ours.
  • The “Shock and Awe” Photo Gallery
  • Bush Proposal Would End Overtime Pay for Millions of Workers
  • The Euro And The War On Iraq: If OPEC were to switch to the euro as the standard for oil transactions, it would have serious ramifications for the US economy. Oil-consuming economies would have to flush the dollars out of their central bank holdings and convert them to euros. Some economists estimate that with the market flooded, the US dollar could drop up to 40% in value. As the currency falls, there would be a monetary evacuation by foreign investors abandoning the US stock markets and dollar-denominated assets. Imported products would cost Americans a lot more, and the trade deficit would be magnified.
  • Osama is in Kunar, but the US can’t get him
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