Are you a Stepford citizen?

Stepford Citizen Syndrome: Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor is Brainwashed:

    9) “The media is liberal.”

    Ann Coulter complains about the liberal media through the “liberal media,” where she’s regularly given a forum, yet Michael Moore has appeared on less than a handful of shows, though his book’s been a bestseller for six months. During the election, the corporately-controlled media portrayed Al Gore in a negative light, while touting Bush’s phony ranch-hand charm, and according to a report in F.A.I.R (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), 75 % of the dominant sources of opinion on all three major networks are Republican. Yet the brainwashed continue to believe the media has a liberal bias. Go figure.

One comment

  1. No wonder
    You can’t see it

    You’re so far left
    You’re left out
    You play babble scrabble
    With out any doubts

    You hate being white
    You hate your own nation
    You compromise and apologize
    And want to give reperations

    You loathe the military
    All police are bad
    You never met a criminal
    Who’s story wasn’t sad

    You admire Ted Rall’s scrawl
    Think Hanoi Jane is cool
    And completely go along with
    The college speech code rules

    Open the borders
    Let them all in
    And no one will hurt us
    If we treat them like friends

    You’re not whacko
    You’re not nuts
    It’s everybody else
    No ifs ands or buts

    Insulated and innoculated
    Arrogant most of the time
    You’re scared of guns
    But you want mine

    You name call
    When arguments fall through
    Facist racist bigot
    Homophobic nuthin new

    It turns your stomach
    To see the flag unfurl
    But you like the UN
    Like their take on the world

    You suck up to
    Mean spirited girls
    Like what maybe they’ll
    Allow you one small whirl

    And oh yeah
    Hollyweird is fine
    With their influence-za
    And droppin more than a dime

    No wonder
    You can’t see it there
    You probably can’t see it
