The Holy Grail of Synchronization: How to synchronize Microsoft Outlook (multiple locations), Google Calendar, Gmail, iPod, and mobile phone with Funambol / ScheduleWorld.
Aug 06
more asides
Former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Chas Freeman, said of Saudi Arabia, “One of the major things the Saudis have historically done, in part out of friendship with the United States, is to insist that oil continues to be priced in dollars. Therefore, the US Treasury can print money and buy oil, which is an advantage no other country has. With the emergence of other currencies and with strains in the relationship, I wonder whether there will not again be, as there have been in the past, people in Saudi Arabia who raise the question of why they should be so kind to the United States.” wikipedia
Aug 06
Zillow Mobile
“Zillow Mobile is a potentially market-changing new SMS mobile twist on the Zillow real estate service. Send a text message from your cell phone to [email protected] containing a U.S. house address (i.e., 9650 La Jolla Farms Rd, La Jolla, CA), and you will receive a return message moments later with the house’s Zillow-estimated price, as well as its construction date, square footage, and so on.” Via Paul Kedrosky
If your the kind of person who likes to keep moving a Mobile Home may be right for you. Learn more the History of Mobile Homes and various ways get Loans for a Mobile Home purchase. Look into Mobile Homes and find out if one may be right for you.
Jul 06
Quick Reference: Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet). Handy.
Matt Haughey speaks on successful blogging. “Fakery will get you nowhere. Readers will figure it out, they won’t see voice & heart.”
Google Unveils Meta Tag for ODP-Haters Google uses the Open Directory Project entry as the standard descriptor for your website. If you’re like me this was added years ago and is nearly impossible to change unless you have an editor account for ODP. Use this cool metatag to override that descriptor.
Jul 06
The Profile of a Search Engine User “Conclusions? Google users are more tech-savvy, more informed and search for specific details. Yahoo users are more interested in media, are more prone to security problems (they search for “free ipod”), and don’t know how to find information quickly, so they are usually more distracted.”
Jul 06
Now you’re thinking with portals. Awesome.
Get paid to post links and blog. “We will pay you $1,000 a month for your “social bookmarking” rights. Put in at least 150 stories a month and we’ll give you $12,000 a year. (note: most of these folks put in 250-400 stories a month, so that 150 baseline is just that–a baseline).” The beginning of the end?
Information wealth is no long monopolized by the West. ““You have to acknowledge the obvious — we’ve seen a new capability in striking the naval vessel and in the number of casualties that have been sustained from the Hezbollah missile attacks,†a Bush administration official said.
“In the past, we’d see three, four, maybe eight launches at any given time if Hezbollah was feeling feisty,†the official added. “Now we see them arriving in large clusters, and with a range and even certain accuracy we have not seen in the past.â€
Jul 06
RIM Announces Hosted BlackBerry Enterprise Server
RIM Announces Hosted BlackBerry Enterprise Server: “In today’s fast-paced, competitive environment mobile connectivity is an essential business requirement, but many smaller organizations are looking for outsourced solutions,” said Mike Lazaridis, President and Co-CEO at RIM. “Hosted BlackBerry Enterprise Server will allow providers to address the SMB market with BlackBerry, the industry standard in mobility.”
Jun 06
StarTrekWiki: “Memory Alpha is a collaborative project to create the most definitive, accurate, and accessible encyclopedia and reference for everything related to Star Trek. The database is organized in a WikiWiki structure, which allows an incredible level of interconnectedness and expansion. We started in November 2003, and the database currently includes 19,403 articles. If you’re new to Memory Alpha, please join us! Visit the Help page and experiment with the Sandbox to learn how you can contribute to any article right now!” Very comprehensive.
May 06
Apartment rents expected to rise 5% Inflation alert. More than anything else, fixed geographic costs like this will hit the middle and lower middle class consumers hard.
May 06
LARPer Stone Golem made from foam rubber. Video
Live interpreters over Skype for $2.99 a minute. “Be on the phone with an interpreter within seconds. Now all Skype subscribers can have immediate access to live, high-quality professional interpreters, who speak over 150 languages.”