Channeling Scarlett O’Hara

“As God is my witness,” the line from Gone with the Wind begins, “…as God is my witness they’re not going to lick me. I’m going to live through this and when it’s all over, I’ll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again.”

As God is my witness, I will never move myself again. Next time, I’m hiring someone.

Consider if you will the following personal history:

  1. February 2003 – I move in with my former roommate, Breen, over in West Campus.
  2. April 2003 – Breen and I move to a duplex near Zilker Park. This is a breeze.
  3. September 2003 – I help my girlfriend move to a new apartment on the 3rd floor. She has a shitload of books.
  4. April 2004 – I help the same girlfriend move in with me at the duplex when Breen moves out and in with his girlfriend at her duplex.
  5. April 2005 – The gf and I decide that living together at this point is not a good idea and decide to get separate places. I help her move her crap into her new place (on the 3rd floor), then I move my crap into my new place. Peace is achieved and we’re still together. I’ll own up to this bad idea.
  6. September 2005 – I help the gf move to Dallas where she lives on the 4th floor! This is the most hellish, grueling move I have ever experienced. The outside temperature was over one hundred degrees, humid as hell, and it even tried to rain. My knees actually buckled several times during this one. She tried to get me to hire movers, but I said no because I have a stubborn macho streak that only comes out in moments of utter stupidity where money is involved.
  7. December 2005 – In progress!

Special thanks to my brother and all the people whose friendship I abused by asking them for help in moving. You know who you are.


  1. All young folks move to the highest point in a building. The more stuff they own the more often they move. The more often they move the less friends they have. Like the Concentric Bird which flies in ever decresing circles, the bird and the young dissapear into themselves only to reappear as old worn out guys and gals living peacefuly on the first floor. When Alice and I were young and handsom (not that long ago!) we moved 12 times in 6 years. Now you can see what that will get you.

  2. 12 times in 6 years… I think you have me beat.