CIA Feels Heat on Iraq

  • CIA Feels Heat on Iraq Data: Bush administration pressuring CIA to fabricate and lie
  • Americans raise hackles by flying Stars and Stripes in Iraq: American marines swept aside Iraqi sensibilities yesterday to raise the Stars and Stripes at the entrance to Iraq’s main port of Umm Qasr.

    In a move condemned by MPs as crass, the marines replaced the Iraqi flag in an attempt to recreate the iconic image of the US flag being raised over the Pacific island of Iwo Jima in the second world war. Lame.

  • Bush Order May Reclassify Documents: WASHINGTON (AP) – The Bush administration is drafting a new executive order that will delay the release of millions of historical documents for more than three years and make it easier to reclassify information that could damage national security. We don’t want anyone getting our secret world takeover plans from the hideout.
  • Mexican President Says He Is Against War in Iraq: Mexico is finally acting independently. Bravo.
  • Mexico announces plan to sell dollars: Mexico announced on Thursday that it would start to sell dollars in international markets, in its most concerted plan to do so since the devaluation it suffered during the “Tequila Crisis” of 1994. The move had an immediate, sharp effect on the peso, which reversed the decline it saw on the night’s news from Iraq and recovered to 10.85 against the dollar, having slipped from 10.88 to 10.95 at the opening.
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