The Sham War: US stalling

It looks like the US might be making some backroom deal with France to get Saddam into exile to avoid a disasterous war of attrition with Iraq. This would let the US ‘win’ satisfying the pro-war, flag-waving crowd domestically while preventing severe US military and political embarrassment and mounting casualties to US troops buffetted by sandstorms and shifting political/military chaos. If this is the case, France will work some deal with the US to maintain its oil interests in post-Saddam Iraq and will claim a last minute ‘diplomatic victory’ and will save their own amount of embarrassment. This solution quickly ends the war and the growing chaos, Saddam gets to keep his billions and his life, the Bush administration gets to appear victorious and justified in using force, France claims moral high ground and diplomatic victory, and Iraq becomes the wholesale property of transnational corporations. See? It’s not impossible to imagine. I thought something to this effect when I saw the speculation about the tape not being Saddam. I figured either a. he was fleeing and leaving taped decoys to make time b. he was dead (not likely) or c. someone was helping him escape. It now appears possible the US is working on some deal to avoid embarrassment. Even if it’s not true this whole ‘war’ is strictly for public consumption. I feel for the families that lose their loved ones because of the games globalists play.

I read this very interesting analysis at

    The March 20 attempt to decapitate the Iraqi government appears to have failed. The U.S. government now seems to be acknowledging that Hussein survived the attacks. Indeed, he may not have been at the target to begin with. It appears likely that CIA Director Geoge Tenet had some intelligence, realized that the price of missing was relatively low, the value of success high, and took the shot.

    But there appears to be more to the story than this. Defense Department officials announced that the “shock and awe” campaign had been postponed, pending developments within the Iraqi leadership. That means that something is still going on in Baghdad. It might be that Hussein is considering leaving. It might be that there is the possibility of a coup. It might be that the United States is simply doing psychological operations to undermine confidence in Baghdad. It is impossible to know. What we do know is that the massive air campaign that had been forecast and certainly was within the U.S. capability to deliver is at least partially on hold, pending something.

    Reports from the battlefield indicate odd fits and starts, particularly in the air war. Reports from the navy are that missions were laid on and then aborted at the last minute. There appeared to be a certain tentativeness in the ground war as well. Now, there are excellent reasons for cautious entry into battle. But there also might be something still unfolding in Baghdad.

And, then there’s this bombshell. Let’s see how they spin it:

    Since December, ABCNEWS has learned, an emissary from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been in the middle of the secret offer of exile. American officials say the French go-between, Pierre Delval, an expert on counterfeiting, has repeatedly traveled to Baghdad to persuade Saddam to accept exile in Mauritania. A former French colony, Mauritania is an Islamic republic said to have warm ties with Iraq. Officials in Mauritania said they knew nothing of any exile offer to Saddam Hussein or his sons. U.S. officials say details of the exile were being negotiated through lawyers in Jordan who work for Saddam’s son Qusai, also seen in the tape released today.

Already, the Bush regime is deemphasizing Hussein’s importance, Saddam ‘not a key war aim’. This is in stark contrast to the rhetoric spewed for the past several years:

    “The way we’re undertaking this military operation would not be changed irrespective of the location or the life of this one man and that’s why we talk about the regime,” said General Franks. “It would not surprise any of us whether Saddam Hussein is alive or dead. It is not about that one personality, it is about this regime.”



    The problem with the internet is that any asshole can put his opinion on it, and there will be no shortage of people who consider it “news”.

  2. Yea, unfortunately, freedom can be messy. People must make up their own minds.