Comic Gold

Clientcopia has humorous anecdotes about experiences with clients and designers. I wish I could say I had a lot of funny moments like these, but most of my clients are great. You will have your odd requests and confusion, but usually these can be discussed and smoothed out. Via CreativeBits.


  1. It’s an interesting site but a dopey name. “Clientcopia” just sounds like a cornucopia of clients or something. Or maybe I am just insane.

  2. So now how do you feel. how many beheading’s. same men!!!!! just look at the last clothes and fast beheading. . why dont we post them and there clothes someone will see the group and know who they are. (Hello) is this real. you need to wake up. what if this is your son or father? that US need’s to see the terror. Go Bush just do it faster before this is world wide. we are getting closer. is it the end? to this fact god help us.