Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes

Interview: Author Daniel Pipes on his new book, “Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From,” and his life

Booknotes – C-SPAN

Dr. PIPES: Well, cer–certainly conspiracies do take place, and there are even conspiracies to take over the world. And here we get to an interesting point. The only real conspiracies–or almost only real conspiracies are counterconspiracies. In other words, if I’m a conspiracy theorist, I believe that this is a good way of operating, an effective way of operating. And therefore, I’m inclined to operate this way myself, and that’s precisely what you find.

Take Hitler. He believed in a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. What he did to counter that alleged Jewish conspiracy was to create a real conspiracy, the Nazi Party, and he a–apparently took a number of ideas from the alleged Jewish conspiracy and made them part of his Nazi movement, and the Nazi movement was an attempt to take over the world. Take Lenin. He believed in a business conspiracy, a conspiracy of business interests to dominate the world, to extract, steal goods at–at–at cheaper–or for free, for the same reason: Because he believed in conspiracy, he himself organized a conspiracy, the Social Democratic Party in Russia, which, in fact, took over Russian government and was a–an attempt to take over the world.

So over and over again, I find that the–the conspiracy theorist becomes, himself, a conspirator. And that in most cases, the real conspiracy, the one that actually takes place, follows from the actions, the mind of a conspiracy theorist. So there’s a–a circle. And so my policy conclusion from this is when you hear a conspiracy theory being alleged, watch out for the conspiracy.

One comment

  1. Hitler was partly Jewish. His paternal grandmother was a maid for the Austrian house of the Rothschild family. So he was 25% Jewish.

    Now as to conspiracies, I do follow them. The only way to make sense of them is thru the eyes of RELIGION. Yes, the R word. While we’re brought up in America with this notion of “separation of church and state”, the rest of the world is very dogmatic. Does Islam have an agenda for world empire? Yes, but so do Zionist Jews who want a one world Talmudic government.

    Muslims use terror, and so do Jews. There was the Lavon affair which embarrassed the Ben Gurion government in the late 50’s. This plan called for blowing up American interests in Egypt as a pretext for war or at least American policing of the area. Then there was the Israeli attack of the USS Liberty where American sailors were killed. Why? Because we had evidence that it was the Israeli’s who started the Six Day war. Then we have the spy Jonathan Pollard who sold secrets to Israel. (Some ally) These are facts, not a conspiracies, which was destined for the Orwellian “memory hole”.

    Now we’re in a war with Iraq which is deposing a thug THAT WE BUILT up to depopulate Iran in the 80’s. Saddam’s a bad guy, but so is Ariel Sharon who is wanted for war crimes by the UN. Saddam violated UN sanctions, and so did Israel who has roughly 4 times the violations of Iraq.

    My point? The unseen hand which controls the media in the U.S. never has an even hand on reporting. That certain events get omitted from “official history” shows that the media/publishing industry is complicit in a conspiracy. Thank God for the internet. The truth will eventually always get out. And truth is not a matter of “left wing vs. right wing”.

    That’s why FOX’s motto should be “we distort, you comply”.