Dirty Dishes

Have you ever caught yourself eating cereal out of a decorative ceramic bowl because you’re too lazy to wash a few dishes? Yeah, me neither.


  1. It depends. If you are eating Lucky Charms, I would say that the decoratvie bowl is a good thing.

    I like the feathers you are ruffling at MeFi these days, BTW.

  2. The worst is when you have to use tupperware lids for cups because yr too lazy to wash a cup.

    Are you ruffling feathers, Chris? Send me some links so I can be your ruffling partner!

  3. at least you’re not like me, pouring milk straight into the box, and scooping it out with my hands.

    props for ruffling, as well as listening to the church and the small faces on the same day…one of these days i’m gonna find a cheap turntable at a yard sale so i can listen to all my goddamned albums…

  4. I solve the dish problem by having only one bowl that is of even remotely suitable size for cereal. But it’s not really a bowl; it’s an antique gravy boat. Lucky Charms taste good in it!