Dream themes

I forgot to mention some of the weird themes in my dreams this morning:

  • In one dream I was driving a car around with Jody spotting strange owls on the side of the roads and then later a snow white barn owl flew into the car and landed on my arm. Possibly influenced by hooting we heard while walking last night.
  • Dreamt I was a mujahadeen in Afghanistan fighting quasi-American forces in some unreal/lunar mountainous landscape. Usually this just involved me hiding under hanging cliff edges while soldiers walked above me, alerted to my position.
  • Strange and disgusting deformed people living in a mine. I don’t remember this one much.
  • Preparing some sort of food or slop in a large bowl. I specifically remember crushing a black, thick-shelled, ostrich-sized egg with my hands so that my hands went into the viscous yolk and egg white inside.


  1. Whitley Streiber, the guy who wrote Communion, said that having dreams of owls was a sign of alien abduction.

  2. That is pretty weird. Alien abduction sounds so exciting.

  3. I dream of trying to find someone who is dead, in my dreams.