I wouldn’t normally find this very newsworthy just for my own personal reasons, but I wanted to point out how they tried to pin this to that Ricci guy who had a brain hemorrage and died in jail. So, I’m glad the Smart girl has been found, but this just goes to show how ‘justice’ is often delivered by zealous prosecutors and police, on the backs of the hapless and innocent. Shame.
Police earlier had focused on 48-year-old handyman, Richard Ricci, calling him “a possible suspect. He was later imprisoned for a parole violation stemming from burglary charges related to the Smart family. Ricci died in the Utah State Prison August 30, 2002, when he was taken off life support following a brain hemorrhage three days earlier.
I have to wonder if he did indeed even take anything from the Smarts. Authorities can often find laws that have been broken and will even go so far to plant evidence.
It’s amazing how many of those “dirty, rotten, barbaric third-world” countries have OUTLAWED the fucking death penalty. You should google up a list some time. I might do so right now, in fact…
Hey, I had wondered about that Ricci guy, too. What made me uncomfortable about the initial reports of police considering him as a suspect was that Ricci was not alive to defend himself. He may not have led an exemplary life, but so what? As the old fascist saying goes, “If they were innocent, they wouldn’t be ‘suspects’, would they?”
Unsuprisingly, I’ve not heard one thing about the Ricci guy making this point or even mentioning the irony. Nice comics btw.
TITLE: Seriously, though…
BLOG NAME: Full Bleed: Confessions of a Zine Girl
Chris once again has come through with a link to an interesting news item: Mr. Banks is black, and the