
I was inspired by this post to start using Feedburner to supply the news feeds for letterneversent.com. If you subscribe to the original RSS feeds you do not need to change anything unless you wish to use the feedburner feeds, which will provide some useful features like integration with my del.icio.us links as well as browser-friendly display and nice statistics on how many people subscribe and what they use to view the feed.

Viewing your favorite websites via RSS is the only way to go. Personally, I prefer the Sage extension for Firefox, which allows me to do all my browsing from within Firefox, but you can use web-based aggregators like MyYahoo or other applications like Thunderbird.

You can tons of information via feeds: TV torrent sites, eBay auction searches, weather forecasts, Google groups, your calendar, and even your gmail inbox. If one of your favorite websites doesn’t provide a news feed you can actually convert any HTML content to RSS with web-based tools like RSSgenr8.

If you want to subscribe to this website, just drag this link into Sage or copy it into your preferred reader. If you want a web-based solution you can try something like bloglines.

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