Yesterday the Voss twins,Oliver and Chris, from Blizzard called me up at work since they were in Austin to visit friends and family. After they came by to pick me up we ran over to Dave and Buster’s to sit around and catch up. It was good to see them both and to hear that they were doing well and enjoying Irvine.
After they dropped me off back at my car I called up Sab to see if he wanted to grab something to eat. We went over to Hyde Park Bar and Grill and had dinner. Over at the next table I spotted the woman who had administered my allergy test several months ago, pricking my back with plastic spines dipped in pollen and mold. She was with her girlfriend, I assume, or someone she felt comfortable enough kissing. I don’t know if she remembered me, but I think she recognized me in some way because we kept looking at each other.
After dinner, Sab and I went next door to Dolce Vita where we sat outside talking. I had my back to Duval Road and I heard some guy on a bike stop by the couple at the table next to us and ask the girl, “Do you have a license for that?” I assumed they knew each other but then it became apparent that the young man on the bike did not know either of the people and was just being creepy and trying to bother the woman with his unwanted attention. After being asked to leave repeatedly, he just kept trying to talk to her and tell her he really liked what she was wearing and that he didn’t want to hurt her. We kept telling him he should leave and while it was creepy I don’t think anyone was scared because the guy was pretty short and actually ridiculously not scary-looking.
I went in to tell the people behind the counter they might want to call the police to come get rid of this guy, and when I came back Sab was walking toward the man as he backed away with his bicycle in front of him. Sab kept telling him firmly, “You need to leave right now. Just go.” Then the guy said something like, “Hey, I’m about to get beat up by a fag.” To which Sab replied, “Yeah, isn’t that sad?” Then Sab laughed and the guy said, “You don’t laugh like a fag. You laugh like Santa Claus.” which made Sab laugh louder. The woman behind the counter came out with the phone and told him to beat it and then the woman’s european boyfriend who had been telling him to go away finally got up and chased him down the street with one of the plastic patio chairs. The guy came back once more and was chased away again and that time he stayed away, especially since the woman from behind the counter had called the police. Some of the people there were wondering if maybe he was the Hyde Park groper. All in all, it was the highlight of the evening, especially since no one got hurt.
There’s a Hyde Park groper?! I had no idea.
Apparently. It was the first I had heard of it. Ladies, watch out.