Number one: A good friend of mine, James Stewart, is getting married this summer in Shreveport to his lovely fiancee Melissa. They are actually living a hop, skip, and jump from where we’re living in Dallas. James asked me to be one of his groomsmen, and I am quite honored. Looks like we’ll be headed to Shreveport in June. Maybe Jody and I can do some gambling or head down to N’awlins or something. I’m looking forward to it. I like seeing people get hitched.
Number two: I bought a used Blackberry off Ebay. I am now a road warrior. If I had Blackberry Enterprise Server with Exchange email it would be even better. Then I could sync my calendar, task list, and address book to the device. When I was at Jiffy Lube the other day I foisted myself on a fellow Blackberry user and found out he works for Fedex in sales. He actually knows a lot of the people I used to work with over there. It seems like they have a sweet deal in sales. Apparently, Fedex provides a stipend for their sales people to have a new car. You’re not even allowed to drive anything older than five years. That makes sense obviously, since you would not want a sales person showing up in a beater. That doesn’t exactly promote the right image.
Sounds like the move to the big “D” has been completed.. This news makes me sad inside..
hey my friend… stumbled onto your site. do you do graphic design work for bloggers, such as myself?
let me know.
Hello friend i look this and i think your idea is good!