Just Ask: It’s that easy

When I was at the allergist last week, I made an impromptu sale pitch for my web design services while the doctor was asking me the usual questions. I said that I noticed the clinic’s website could use its own website instead of a sub-site off of an online medical directory. I added that information on the website could be easier to find, and that a good website was an important part of any business, especially one that wants to maintain a professional image. I also mentioned that that it might be useful to patients to have a way to make appointments online like they can at the allergy clinic across the road (that seemed to get his attention), and I explained that many people like myself find it easier to make arrangements via email or the web when they’re at work versus using the more conspicuous and disruptive telephone. He asked about price, and then I knew I had a good shot at closing the deal. To make a long story short, I have an appointment with the office manager Wednesday morning to discuss specifics. I’ll need to be prepared for that.


  1. Wow, you’re such a go-getter! Good job.

  2. I should point out that Jody suggested I do this very thing over a year ago, although I did not remember it at the time. There seems to be a high demand for such services, which is a good thing.

  3. Movin on up! Good luck!