Just so no one thinks I forgot

Yesterday was Susan’s birthday. She’s awesome. No, I didn’t forget. I swear. I’ve been thinking about it for weeks I just didn’t do anything about. It’s complicated. I have my reasons. Did I mention I’ve known Susan and Karen since we were ten? Yeah. How do you like them apples? Way back in ninth grade before I became close friends with Karen I had a little crush on Susan. She was smart, cute, and obstinately opinionated. All important qualities in a woman. She also had a smell I found interesting for some reason, normal girl smell with a twist. In our ninth grade english class she sat directly to my right. I remember she always had this hairbrush under her desk where you keep your books. It would just be loaded with hair. I’m not sure why I remember that in particular. I’m glad we’re still friends. That’s a miracle in itself, trust me. Anyway, she’s so cool and passionate and in many ways a lot smarter than me. Happy birthday, Karen and Susan.

There was a star danced, and under that was I born. –William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing


  1. Thanks, cutie.

  2. Yes, but I gave her a TV…:p

  3. yay! happy birthday susan. Chris, thanks for introducing me to susan. She is very, very cool.

  4. or not.