Last night’s Dream Motifs

There are few things more boring than hearing someone go on and on about their dreams, but here are some things from last night I wanted to document:

  • Fighting and running from a large, fast, armored, Gamorian-guard-looking troll who tried to cripple me by throwing his sword like a ninja star at my legs. Some king or other warrior who had a sword very similar to mine except that his was somehow magically or chemically tainted or poisoned.
  • I was living in a decaying luxury hotel.
  • Parking in a mall parking lot (ostensibly on the run from something) with two cats who kept trying to escape the car requiring me to chase and catch them.


  1. Last night I dreamed an evil Kevin Sorbo was chasing me, trying to smash a little sculpture made out of matchsticks which for some reason I found very valuable.

  2. That’s the kind of dream journaling we should encourage. Dreams in 25 words or less. Dream haiku!

    Actually, Slow Wave does a pretty good job of what I’m talking about.

  3. Good idea, Prentiss Riddle!

    OK, I’ve rephrased that dream as an actual haiku:

    chased by bizarro
    Kevin Sorbo, must protect
    precious stick model

    I’ll try doing it with another recent dream:

    she admonished me
    for not breastfeeding my cat,
    and I felt guilty.

    I also checked out Slow Wave and it was really interesting. Thanks!