Le weekend

I went up to Oklahoma with Jody this past weekend. It was nice spending time up there. A couple noteworthy things:

  1. Saw several types of animals: a mole, the baby calf (Curly), blue birds, ant lions, perch, bass, red-eared sliders, some sort of greenish-brown box turtles who kept crossing the road, a lightning-quick green grass snake, a rat snake, some sort of legless lizard or snake with stripes, quail, frogs, and many different types of butterflies and insects.
  2. Visited graves of family members with Jody and her parents. Cemetaries are fascinating.


  1. I think cemeteries are scary and creepy.

    Hooray for little Curly! How’s he doing?

  2. A lot better now. He is walking around and eating grass, but he is still a little gimpy.

  3. Moles are cool, but I prefer voles. They look like they are made of velvet.

  4. Yes, but moles have fur that looks like it was combed with someone’s tongue.

  5. Hey, is your offer for helping me to build my own blog still open? I’ll be getting a digital camera soon, so I’m very interested in trying to set something up. I’d be willing to pay for any domain space needed or what have you. Email me ([email protected]).