Little Tidbits

Here some interesting things I came across:

  • FBI tortures Jordanian student in San Diego after unlawfully arresting him:

    After 20 FBI agents converged on him in the street outside his San Diego home, Awadallah was questioned and subsequently detained at four different jails, including New York’s Metropolitan Correctional Center. He claims a guard there pushed him into a wall while he was handcuffed, drawing blood, and yanked his hair to force him to face the American flag. …

    A devout Muslim, Awadallah alleged that while he was detained at San Diego Metropolitan Correctional Center, guards served him food he was forbidden by his religion to eat. He was later transferred to a jail in San Bernardino, Calif., then to a federal correctional facility in Oklahoma City, where he said a guard threw shoes at his head and face and swore at him. On Oct. 1, shackled in leg irons, he was flown to New York.

  • City of New Orleans adds $1 to the minimum wage of $5.15. This is not enough of a raise but it’s a step in the right direction. Of course, some small businessmen are up in arms because they say it will increase their costs which would be about one penny on the dollar. Greedy fucks. The hospitality industry lives on the backs of underpaid immigrant labor. Of course they’ll argue it will increase costs. Plantation owners used the same arguments to support slavery. What’s right is right. Keep increasing it. The last time the minimum wage was increased was 1997. Someone who works 40 hours a week should be able to make a living. Period.
  • In China, open your mouth to the wrong government officials and you could end up forcibly admitted to a psychiatric hospital. This disrespect for human values is what we have to fight every day. Here in the US and all over the world. This poor woman was put through shock therapy and imprisoned for protesting the seizure of her farm land.
  • US puppet in Afghanistan, ex-Unocal alumn, Hamid Karzai is not feeling too safe right now. Seeing as how one of his ministers was assassinated. Sure is dangerous being a plaything of the US. He’s asking the US to send more troops to keep him in power.

    One comment

    1. Minimum wage is a joke. The people that decide what the minimum should be probably do not work for “it”. Hell the last time they did was back in the 50’s when you were paid like a dollar an hour. Just look at where the wage slaves live and tell me its “enough”.