I swear. George seems to completely change his site design every couple weeks. This probably fits his ENFP nature somehow. The new design is rather plain blue and white, but he seems to have a lot more cool content presented. I need to figure out how to incorporate my del.icio.us links like he’s doing. I tried that a while back, but I couldn’t get it looking the way I wanted. I may mess with it more in the future. The only suggestion I might make for George is to use a larger font for the side content since I find it hard to read his del.icio.us links since the font is small and in a serif font. For some reason, serif fonts seems less readable the smaller they get.
Mr. Fickle
George, the helvetica is MUCH better. I can actually read your links now. I’m going to see about using that RSS Digest. Thanks for the tip.
You know me, Chris: I’m only as faithful as my options. I’m using Bigbold’s RSS Digest (via