New features

Some cool new things are happening to since Josh turned it into a full-time job. is the most important thing that has happened to the web in the last year. It’s more important that Flickr or podcasting, for example. Flickr is awesome, but it is not revolutionary. Podcasting is just a fad whereas completely changes how you use the Web, especially when used in conjunction with Firefox extensions. Del.ici.ous allows you to personalize and classify the web. It streamlines how you find information that is relevant to you. It allows you to organize information very easily. Here are some of the new features:

  • Tag bundles
    Tag bundles allow you to organize your various tags into groups however you like. Then on your delicious bookmarks page the tags are listed first by tag bundle and then by tag. For example, you could create a tag bundle called “Web design” and place any tags related to web design within the bundle like “CSS”, “color”, “photoshop”, “HTML”, etc. To add or edit a tag bundle just click the settings link from your delicious page.
  • Color squares
    I’m not sold on the utility of this feature, but apparently you may now add little squares of color to delicious by using the following syntax in your url: “color:(hex color)” like “color:003DF5,33CCFF”. Each hex color inputted will be rendered as a square of color from within delicious.

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