Pat Buchanan is on a roll…troubled times indeed

I’ve really appreciated Pat Buchanan being outspoken on the crimes being done to this country in the name of fighting terror. He is perfectly incisive and cuts through all the bull. For example from an editorial in USA Today:

    “We are in a conflict between good and evil, and America will call evil by its name,” Bush thundered. But which is the evil side in Chechnya, Sri Lanka and Kashmir? In the Afghan war, we were aided by Iran, Libya, Sudan, Pakistan and Northern Alliance generals accused of massacres. In the Gulf War, we were aided by Syria’s Hafez Assad, in World War II by Stalin, in the Cold War by the Shah and Augusto Pinochet.

    “Moral truth is the same in every culture, in every time and in every place,” Bush said. But ask Germans if what we did to Dresden was moral. Ask the Japanese about what we did to Nagasaki.

    By dividing the world into good and evil and threatening pre-emptive wars on all “evil ones,” we may persuade our targets to acquire the only kind of weapons able to deter a crusading US president.

One comment

  1. I’ve found myself thinking “whoa, Buchanan is right…” occasionally over the last few months. It’s an entirely creepy sensation.