Personality Test

As I’ve mentioned before, my Myers-Briggs “personality type” shifted as I got older to ESTP. It is my contention that whatever your type you should like it since personality is a reflection of conscious decisions about how to think, feel, and behave. Here is some good information on my type from a statistical point of view:

  • Among the highest in college retention.
  • In national sample “Leisure Activities,” overrepresented in “Playing sports.”
  • Academic subjects preferred: history, math, practical skills.
  • 3 top desirable work characteristics favored in national sample: “Variety of tasks,” “Independence & achievement,” and “Clear structure.” (This is very true)
  • In national sample, dissatisfied with “Promotions,” “Opportunity to contribute to society,” and “Amount of stress” in their work.
  • In national sample, among top 4 types valuing “Prestige.”
  • Ranked 15th out of 16 types on using spiritual/philosophical coping resources and 16th out of 16 types on using cognitive coping resources.
  • Ranked highest in “positive affectivity.”
  • In national sample, ranked 4th highest in satisfaction with “Marriage/intimate relationship.”


  1. Type statistics

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