Week 1

This is the first week I’ve been without a normal “job”. This is the first week where I will be working for myself and making my decisions on a day to day basis. There is a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in. First off, I need to figure out some way to track and manage leads and prospects. I get information all the time, but I need to get better at keeping track of it. I also need to put together a brochure to take with me on sales calls. It’s important to leave something with all the important information on it to make it easier for prospective customers to make a decision.


  1. Best of luck with your transition! I know it has got to be strange.

  2. Time management sounds like a key thing when working from home. Best of luck, and have fun with it!

    Any news on the changes to my webpage? ;)

  3. I’m working on it!

  4. Muchas gracias!