Reese Calls a Spade a Spade

From Charley Reese’s syndicated column:

    President Bush, perhaps the most naive American, wants everyone to call suicide bombers murderers. I won’t. They are martyrs. Those young Palestinians have done exactly the same thing so many young Americans have done – willingly sacrificed their lives for their country’s freedom. If they are murderers because they kill civilians during a war, then Mr. Bush’s own father is a mass murderer. His war and his embargo have murdered tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children in Iraq. Young Bush is apparently planning to murder more.To paraphrase the killer in the movie “Unforgiven,” “We are all murderers, kid.”

Yeah, Bush is an idiot and a disgrace.

One comment

  1. Here’s another incomplete circlular idiot argument. First the guy says they are not homicide bombers but martyrs (a choosing side statement if I ever read one..I dare him to go to some synagogue and shout that one out in the name of “cool peace” or whatever slang hang he refers to his thinking process by) He then goes on to compare.. “the young palestinians (young that’s a nice sympathetic touch) have done what so many young Americans have done..willingly sacrificed their lives”….FIRST of all STUPID the enemy takes your don’t just walk out there and throw yourself on some altar…it’s called a fight remember…He leads you into comparison but the only one he calls a murderer is the US And he may do it in a typically proper progandistic way by -personalizing the war- by naming Bush like ALL soldiers are mindless automatons and thus some how excused in his hazy analytical ability but he does it all the same. The part about we’re all murderers, kid…what a surprise, Movie/Reality
    suspense/no self defense/naive/or protector/who is convinced/